5 Soft skills necessary for a successful interview

importance-of-soft-skillsWhat soft skills do we need to make a good impression during an interview? I find these skills to be the building blocks of a successful interview. If we don’t have a solid foundation, provide skills like positive attitude or self-confidence, is very likely that our professional profile alone will not be able to convince the recruiter that we are the best fit for the job. We have to perceive ourselves through an eclectic approach, combining our personal skills like posture, facial expressions, tone, assertiveness, emotion regulation with our own professional background, recalling accurate information and expressing them in a professional manner. Next I will try to elicit a list of top 5 soft skills that I find important:

Work ethic.

Make sure you prepared before the interview, you assessed and extracted every relevant information about the company’s mission and vision. Your past experience regarding your professional resilience can be a crucial predictor for the success of this interview. Very easily you can impress the recruiter by recalling information about a specific work related situation, a difficult one that you manage to overcome through hard work, determination, staying overtime, researching, assessing all possible resources and never quitting

Adaptability Skill.

In a multinational environment, where everything moves with the speed of light, is very important to be able to keep your composure using your emotional regulation strategies to calm down, think, assess and generate solutions. This is an ability that all recruiters will try to evaluate at the first encounter, it is important to them and to the company that they represent to hire an emotionally stable and consistent person, someone who doesn’t quit after the first month, someone who is willing to adapt to the organizational culture and do his best to evolve.

Problem solving.

How did you solve that problem, how did you deal with that situation? What strategies do you normally use to cope with the stress and at the same time successfully resolve the issues. These are the most frequent questions asked during an interview, they want to assess your ability to cope under pressure, your ability to evaluate the situation, generate possible and accurate solutions that can predict a successful outcome.


This is an ability that can be observed, measured and predicted. It starts from how you are dressed, it’s very important to be elegant, casual and don’t over-do it, a suit, a tie and some nice shoes; and it goes to how you behave, you external behavior the thing that everyone can observe and evaluate or criticize, stay relaxed, relax your muscles, your shoulders and don’t move your hands to much when you talk, this accidental behavior reflects anxiety, self-doubt, stress, fear. It’s very important to make eye contact and to control your tone of voice and the most important element of them all, smile, project a positive attitude, be self-confident, but don’t be arrogant.

Positive attitude.

It’s important to show that you have realistic and positive vision regarding your future. Recruiters like people who have dealt with negative situations, difficult events, professionally speaking and managed to overcome them, they want a resilient candidate, someone who doesn’t crash under the pressure, someone who doesn’t get discouraged when their expectations and objectives are invalidated. You should project enthusiasm and self-confidence.

I believe that all of these aspects are very important when we assume the role of a candidate during an interview, incorporating all these skills in our personality traits can be very helpful to us, not only in front of a recruiter or employer because these elements represent the necessary prerequisites to be a top candidate on the job market.

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