The Many Benefits of Having Music on Hold
If you own a business where your clients call into your office, music on hold is a great idea for many reasons. Whether you operate a salon, retail store, or service company, having hold music playing while your clients are waiting to be helped is definitely a good idea for phone call retention rates. Here, we will outline 3 of the reasons why a company should have music on hold, and the benefits it may offer to your business.
Don’t Let Your Clients Become Bored while on Hold and Hang up!
Imagine if you called in to an office to make an appointment or a purchase, and you were immediately put on hold. As the time went by, you would probably first become bored, and then begin to wonder if they had forgotten about you. Although it may only be a minute or even less that you are actually on hold, if you have nothing to listen to or to help pass the time, you will feel like you’ve been on hold for much longer than you actually have been. It is important that if there is an opportunity where your client may be placed on hold, that they have something to listen to that is somewhat entertaining, to hold their attention, keep them on the line, and avoid the dreaded hangs ups, which may result in the loss of a sale.
Another benefit to using a music on hold service is that it makes your company seem much more professional and successful than a company who has chosen not to use a service. If a client is put on hold and is left listening to blank air, they may wonder if you can’t afford a music on hold service or if your company is trustworthy to take care of their valuable business. Don’t let your clients make a judgment call based on something entirely unrelated from the services you actually provide. Have a music on hold system so that your clients see you as professional, successful and trustworthy.
Use it for Sales!
Although many business owners complain about spending the extra money that it would cost to implement a music on hold service, it is important to realize that you can also use the hold time to help you make more money! This may seem incredible, but often; you can have advertisements play in the background music that describe other products or services you offer. Many companies choose to alternate advertising messages with brief musical interludes so it does not seem like too much of a sales pitch. Many consumer driven industries use this time on hold to present clients with other opportunities to purchase products that they may not be aware your company offers. The mention of additional products briefly in a sentence long ad is just enough of a teaser to have your client as you about it when you return to the phone.
There are dozens of reasons why clients and business owners enjoy using music on hold services. Check out your many options today before you lose more clients to feeling forgotten and boring wait times.
Categorised in: VoiceMailTel, VoIP