Blog design starts with a solid theme
Killer blog design always begins with your foundation. It is essential that you get firmly planted in a theme foundation that is flexible, cutting edge, and built for the long term success.
5 core elements to look for when choosing your blogging theme:
Content Focused
The first thing you want to look for in a great blogging theme is that it is focused on the most important part of your blog– the content. If it doesn’t then you’re not going to see a long term gain for your investment.
SEO Friendly
Better SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means that people are more likely to discover your site through a search engine like Google. This will ensure that your blog will reap long term, continuous growth.
Mobile Ready
In today’s mobile world, your blog must be ready to cater to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. A theme that isn’t responsive or mobile-ready is not even a candidate.
Simple And Elegant Out Of The Box
Simplicity is key. The less clutter there is, the more people can focus, again, on your content. Having too many options is definitely a bad thing. It wastes time, makes life more complicated (who needs that?), and in most cases will slow your site down making it less user and search engine friendly.
Ongoing Updates
You’ll want a theme that is constantly evolving as technology, WordPress, and the digital world is evolving. You don’t want a stagnant theme that isn’t constantly being improved and upgraded with the latest standards.
Tags: blog, blog design, blog theme, blogging, voicemailtelCategorised in: Did you know, VoiceMailTel